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I´m a house on fire

agosto 2022

Animación basada en un ejercicio del azar, donde había que utilizar varios elementos en una misma imágen, además vincule el proceso a una canción que refleje y profundice las sensaciones de la narración visual


These walls don't run from anything
They stand still
You're the empire and the sun
You're the voice that calls me home
You're the place that makes me want to stay
But you're the walls i cannot climb
I'm a house on fire and everyone is leaving
I'm a house on fire and everyone is leaving me
You're the empire and the sun
You're the voice that calls me home
You're the place that makes me want to stay
But you're the walls i cannot climb
I could never love someone who could love someone like me
Like me
You're the empire and the sun
You're the voice that calls me home
You're the place that makes me want to stay
But you're the walls i cannot climb
Anyone falls
They run away

- Canción de The Moth & The Flame / 26 feb 2016 -

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